Affiliated Partners

Edisson Seropian, Attorney at Law

  • Edisson Seropian, Attorney at Law, an experience attorney practicing in the areas of Business law, corporation governance, real estate & finance, employment law; as well as mediation & litigation.
  • As a litigation attorney; Mr. Seropian has represented clients, with focused strategy in both state and federal courts, as well as in the depositions, mediation and trials given the clients’ objectives and parameters.
  • Represented clients in business self governance; employment claim issues before the Employment Development Department and California State Labor Relations boards; CA Secretary of State; courts and many other public or private forums.
  • Mr. Seropian was also able to provide legal framework for the petitioning business in the areas of employment base immigration visas as well as EB-5 filings.
  • His subspecialty of real estate law over the last 16 years, in residential and commercial real estate finance, provide a very valuable vantage point for client’s investment objectives.
  • Finally, as a trustee for various mortgage banks and financial institutions since 2004, he has also has a thorough knowledge of foreclosure proceedings; resolving title as well as leading or defending bankruptcy filings.
  • Through a very personable attitude and 30 years of law experience, Mr. Seropian is able to help clients navigate the legal traps that are always all persons and businesses.

Professional Licenses / Certificates / Practice forums:

  • Member of the California State Bar; 11/1991-present
    Litigations in all of the Superior Courts of Los Angeles, Ventura,
    Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties;
    California State Department of Labor & EDD Labor Certifications; 8/1998-present
    California Real Estate Broker’s License; 2/2003-present
    California State Court of Appeals (Certified); 11/1991-present
    US Federal Central District Court (Certified); 3/1992-present
    US Federal Court of Appeal (9th Circ. Certified); 3/2003-present
    US Bankruptcy Court (Los Angeles & Riverside Judicial District); 8/2008-present
    US Immigration Court; 11/2007- 11/2010
    US Immigration Board of Appeals; 9/2009- 11/2011

Dominica Fusaro

Dominica Fusaro is an Account Executive at Fidelity National Title, a Fortune 300 Company that offers a complete suite of title insurance and other real estate services for lenders, developers and real estate professionals worldwide. Dominica is passionate about providing her clients with the best service possible and partnering with them to help grow their business. Before joining Fidelity National Title, Dominica was a Sports Marketing Representative for Nike Swim, leveraging her years of diving on an international stage. Dominica has a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Southern California and in her free time loves to paint, practice yoga and travel.

Judy Jackson

Judy Jackson is a marketing director in the termite industry for over 30 years. She brings extensive experience and good customer service to provide APR clients with satisfaction. She and her skillful termite professionals take care of clients’ properties from termite inspections to termite clearance to ensure fast and smooth transactions. SBCB#FR47747

Helen Trang

Helen Trang has been in the insurance business since 1986. She sells Auto, Commercial, Home, and Life Insurance. Her 30 + year success is attributed to her kindness, reliability, and passion to help her clients find the best policy that fits their needs. Additionally, she can speak five different languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Teo Chow. During her free time, she participates in community service activities with Lions Club and Tzu Chi.

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